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Mens Section Prem + 1 (Summer 23)

Most Wins (Prem): 12 D.Allen, 11 D.Smith, 10 (M.Britnell, S.Dennett), 9 (A.Charlett, A.Ward, R.Kerry)

Most Wins (S1): 10 S.Bell8 M.Stocker, 6 (C.Webb, N.Moss)

Highest Check Out: 161 A.Bowman, 158 M.Stocker, 146 L.Surman, 140 T.Oliver, 129 P.Cook

Most 180's: 14 S.Dennett, 7 (H.Craddock, A.Ward), 6 (Matt Aust, P.Say), 5 (A.Charlett, D.Allen, J.Buck), 4 (A.Bowman, M.Slatter) 

Most Pairs Wins: 10 D.Smith, 9 (S.Dennett, J.Buck, R.Thorne), 8 (A.Charlett, P.Say, M.Slatter, A.Jeff, M.Breakspear), 7 (A.Bowman, J.Eliis, D.Allen, A.Ward), 6 (M.Chiddington, T.Oliver, M.Kerry, R.Kerry, S.Jenkins, T.Wheeler)

Mens Section 2
(Summer 23)

Most Wins: 12 (K.Smith, S.Singh), 11 (L.Richards, G.Pinches), 10 (P.Chant, A.Buckingham, D.Jacob, M.Ashburner), 9 (C.Tarrant, D.Fathers, D.West, D.Beavan, W.Bright)  

Highest Check Out: 129 (C.Tarrant, J.Kearney), 128 P.Loft, 116 (S.Pitson, L.Gillett, M.Andrews), 114 (S.Pitson, C.Tarrant, D.Beavan), 113 W.Bright

Most 180's: 2 (C.Tarrant, R.Phillips, D.Townsend, S.Ashburner, L.Richards), (S.Stratford, M.Andrews, K.Smith, M.Fagg, W.Banks, J.Rolls, D.Howlett, P.Loft, E.Smith, G.Pinches, G.Mcgrath, D.Beavan)

Most Pairs Wins: 10 G.Pinches, 9 C.Tarrant, 8 (W.Bright, C.Church, K.Smith, D.Fathers, D.Beavan, R.Phillips) 

Mens Section 3 (Summer 23)

Most Wins: 12 C.Watts, 10 S.Cahalin, 9 (J.Charlett, M.Edwards, M.Baldwin), 8 (N.Green, A.Bowden, M.Wilde, B.Fuller, M.Franklin, D.Turner)  

Highest Check Out: 127 S.Webb, 125 M.Hutt, 114 J.Dawson, 111 M.Edwards, 108 J.Dawson

180's: 2 M.Wilde, 1 (C.Henderson, C.Watts) 

Most Pairs Wins: 12 C.Watt, 11 S.Cahalin, 10 T.Green, 9 (H.Gourlay, P.Fox, S.Edgar), 8 (B.Fuller, M.Baldwin, D.Brackett)

Ladies Section Prem + 1 (Summer 23)

Most Wins (Prem): 10 C.Caldicott, 9 T.Say, 8 (L.Singleton, D.Stevens), 7 (H.Prowton, Sonia McBlain, S.Claridge), 6 (Sarah McBlain, M.Young)

Most Wins (S1): 9 (B.Walton, J.Rouse), 6 (T.Kirton, C.Thirtle)

Highest Check Out: 

Most 180's: 

Most Pairs Wins: 10 D.Stevens, 9 (Sarah McBlain, T.Caldwell), 8 (C.Bishop, L.Singleton)

Ladies Section 2 (Summer 23)

Most Wins: 8 (C.Drake, N.Donson, T.Nash, J.Kinch), 7 (H.Coleman, B.Elderkin, S.Steers), 6 (K.Plummer, L.Bairstow, L.Bridges, C.Brookes, B.Baughn)

Highest Check Out: 

Most Pairs Wins: 8 (T.Nash, J.Kinch), 7 S.Ponting, 6 (Z.Evans, T.Freeman, H.Coleman, T.Bridges, N.Donson)

Ladies Section 3 (Summer 23)

Most Wins: 8 (C.Baker, S.Fay, L.Wallace, N.Merrett), 7 (B.Massingham, L.Scott), 6 (R.Jacques, H.Cox, J.Cork, J.Corradi, T.Sparrowhawk), 5 (T.Spackman, L.Sullivan-Webb, Z.Wallace, B.Cox, E.Baldwin, J.Surman, K.Light, A.Radbourne)

Most 180's: 1 J.Corradi

Most Paris Wins: 9 C.Baker, 8 (L.Scott, S.Fay), 7 (B.Massingham, J.Cole), 6 (L.Rochford, J.Corradi, T.Sparrowhawk, L.Wallace, L.Jenkins) 

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